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Sentinel-Rust Middleware Supports

Currently Sentinel-Rust supports following RPC/Web frameworks, and provides thorough examples.


Tonic is A rust implementation of gRPC, a high performance, open source, general RPC framework that puts mobile and HTTP/2 first.

The are two kinds of middlewares in Tonic.

- tonic::service::interceptor::Interceptor

- tower::Service

We have implemented both of them, see sentinel-tower and sentinel-tonic on

Here is a post related to its implementation.


Volo is a high-performance and strong-extensibility Rust RPC framework that helps developers build microservices.

Different from the Tower in Tonic, Volo uses the Motore for service abstraction.

For more information, see sentinel-motore on

Here is a post related to its implementation.

Actix Web

Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust

In general, a middleware in Actix Web is a type that implements the Service trait and Transform trait.

For more information, see sentinel-actix on

Here is a post related to routers and handlers in the Actix-Web.


Rocket is a web framework for Rust that makes it simple to write fast, secure web applications without sacrificing flexibility, usability, or type safety.

There are two ways to implement a Sentinel middleware in Rocket.

Intuitively, we can implement the Fairing trait, just as the common Service traits in other frameworks.

However, as documented in the Rocket guide,

Rocket’s fairings are a lot like middleware from other frameworks, but they bear a few key distinctions:

  • Fairings cannot terminate or respond to an incoming request directly.
  • Fairings cannot inject arbitrary, non-request data into a request.
  • Fairings can prevent an application from launching.
  • Fairings can inspect and modify the application's configuration.

Since it cannot terminate or respond to the request directly, the implemented SentinelFairing simply rewrites the URI in the Request to a given route. It can be configured via its own methods or managed state of SentinelConfig.

In fact, Rocket suggests using request guards, instead of Fairing in this case,

As a general rule of thumb, only globally applicable actions should be effected through fairings. You should *not* use a fairing to implement authentication or authorization (preferring to use a request guard instead) unless the authentication or authorization applies to all or the overwhelming majority of the application. On the other hand, you should use a fairing to record timing and usage statistics or to enforce global security policies.

So we follow this suggestion

Request guards appear as inputs to handlers. An arbitrary number of request guards can appear as arguments in a route handler. Rocket will automatically invoke the FromRequest implementation for request guards before calling the handler. Rocket only dispatches requests to a handler when all of its guards pass.

and implemented a SentinelGuard. It can be configured via the managed state of SentinelConfig,

For more information, see sentinel-rocket on


Axum is a web application framework that focuses on ergonomics and modularity.

In particular the last point is what sets axum apart from other frameworks. axum doesn't have its own middleware system but instead uses tower::Service. This means axum gets timeouts, tracing, compression, authorization, and more, for free. It also enables you to share middleware with applications written using hyper or tonic.

Therefore, we can reuse the middleware in sentinel-tower. For more information, visit our example for Axum.

One More Thing

Currently, dynamic datasources for sentinel are implemented directly in sentinel-core as customized features. Maybe similar to these middlewares, splitting datasources into individual crates or a single crate with customized features is better...

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