Recently I met a problem with cuMemFree
, and finally found it is in fact implicit-synchronization. This is not documented in the above CUDA tutorial and driver API. But luckily, many discussions on StackOverflow are related to it, which helps me a lot to identity the original problem.
Behaviour differences between CUDA and ROCm
One interesting thing is that cuMemFree
only block on the context where the device pointer allocated. In contrast, since ROCm is open-source, I found that it blocks all of contexts on the device.
PyTorch Allocator
The PyTorch experimental allocator implement this implicit-synchronization. Following snippet is taken from PyTorch 2.1, and it implements the deallocation with CUDA virtual address API.
// c10/cuda/CUDACachingAllocator.cpp
void unmapHandles(size_t begin, size_t end) {
// note: unlike cudaFree, MemUnmap and MemRelease do
// not appear to synchronize in all cases, so we have to wait for the
// stream to finish before this memory is truly free.
// cannot call c10::cuda::stream_synchronize because
// it might grab the GIL which can lead to a deadlock
// Locking order must be GIL -> Allocator Lock
for (auto i : c10::irange(begin, end)) {
CUmemGenericAllocationHandle h = handles_.at(i).value();
handles_.at(i) = c10::nullopt;
ptr_ + segment_size_ * i, segment_size_));
OOM is recoverable
I'd like to share some another insight about PyTorch allocator, too. The CUDA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY
is a recoverable error in PyTorch.
Refer to the PyTorch document if you are not familiar to this.
initalize a single DeviceCachingAllocator
on each device. NativeCachingAllocator::allocate()
is the public memory allocation API. When the environment variable PYTORCH_NO_CUDA_MEMORY_CACHING
is set to 1, forceUncachedAllocator
will call cudaMalloc
directly, or it will call DeviceCachingAllocator::malloc
on the specific device, and allocate from the cached buffer.
// c10/cuda/CUDACachingAllocator.cpp
class NativeCachingAllocator : public CUDAAllocator {
DataPtr allocate(size_t size) const override {
int device = 0;
void* r = nullptr;
if (forceUncachedAllocator()) {
// Deliberately don't use cudaMallocMaybeCapturing here, to force an error
// if someone tries to use forceUncachedAllocator while capturing.
C10_CUDA_CHECK(cudaMalloc(&r, size));
const c10::impl::PyInterpreter* interp = c10::impl::GPUTrace::get_trace();
if (C10_UNLIKELY(interp)) {
return {r, r, &uncached_delete, Device(DeviceType::CUDA, device)};
if (size != 0) {
&r, device, size, cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(device));
return {r, r, &local_raw_delete, Device(DeviceType::CUDA, device)};
/** allocates a block which is safe to use from the provided stream */
void malloc(void** devPtr, int device, size_t size, cudaStream_t stream) {
Block* block = device_allocator[device]->malloc(device, size, stream);
*devPtr = (void*)block->ptr;
const c10::impl::PyInterpreter* interp = c10::impl::GPUTrace::get_trace();
if (C10_UNLIKELY(interp)) {
The DeviceCachingAllocator::malloc
will try to release some memory before re-allocate.
// c10/cuda/CUDACachingAllocator.cpp
class DeviceCachingAllocator {
Block* malloc(int device, size_t orig_size, cudaStream_t stream) {
// ...
bool block_found =
|| (trigger_free_memory_callbacks(params) && get_free_block(params));
// cannot find free block, try to allocate
if (!block_found) {
// free some blocks and re-allocate
block_found = alloc_block(params, false, context)
|| (release_available_cached_blocks(params) &&
alloc_block(params, false, context))
|| (C10_LIKELY(captures_underway == 0) &&
release_cached_blocks(context) &&
alloc_block(params, true, context));
// report OOM events
// ...
The DeviceCachingAllocator::alloc_block()
will be called in the following snippet. And if the error is cudaErrorMemoryAllocation
,it will erase the inner error.
// c10/cuda/CUDACachingAllocator.cpp
class DeviceCachingAllocator {
bool alloc_block(
AllocParams& p,
bool isRetry,
const std::shared_ptr<GatheredContext>& ctx) {
// ...
if (set_fraction &&
total_allocated_memory + size > allowed_memory_maximum) {
p.err = cudaErrorMemoryAllocation;
return false;
} else if (
CachingAllocatorConfig::expandable_segments() &&
// our checkpointing logic for private pools doesn't support
// the expandable_segments_ structure yet
!p.pool->owner_PrivatePool) {
p.block = try_allocate_expandable_block(
p.device(), p.stream(), p.pool, p.size(), ctx);
if (p.block) {
p.err = cudaSuccess;
} else {
p.err = cudaErrorMemoryAllocation;
return bool(p.block);
} else {
p.err = cudaMallocMaybeCapturing(&ptr, size);
if (p.err != cudaSuccess) {
if (p.err == cudaErrorMemoryAllocation) {
// erase the error
} else {
// errors not related to OOM, throw it
return false;
// ...
return true;
The experimental allocator in PyTorch is based on CUDA virtual memory API. By set environment variable PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF=expandable_segments
, DeviceCachingAllocator::alloc_block()
will call the CachingAllocatorConfig::expandable_segments()
path, DeviceCachingAllocator::try_allocate_expandable_block
will call the cuMemCreate